A collaboration of superior products and exceptional services

Optimal Balance of Quality, Price and Lead time
Smooth and Effective Communication
Technical Team Ready to Support 24/7
Guaranteeing Uninterrupted Productivity


At HM Hydraulics, we’re proud to serve as the exclusive international sales agent for leading manufacturers in the hydraulic industry from China. Partnering with us will give you direct access to factory engineers. Backed by our expertise in sales and a dedicated professional team with backgrounds in purchasing and engineering, we tailor our solutions precisely to your needs. Experience unparalleled customer service and technical support firsthand, ensuring effective and effecient communication at every stage.

COYO Rotary Actuators

Experience the advantage of on-time delivery and reduced machine downtime, empowering your brand for continuous success.

COYO Tilt Actuators

Designed for enhanced construction efficiency. Expand your offerings to customers and unleash the full potential of their machines.

Tranquil Force Cartridge Valves

Experience the reliability and precision you expect, now with greater affordability and accessibility.

About Us

At HM Hydraulics, We specialize in bridging the gap between customers and top-tier Chinese manufacturers in the hydraulic industry.

Rooted in principles of intellectual honesty and integrity, we are dedicated to creating and delivering value through our everyday operations to both our business partners and customers.

At our core, we believe that our business activities serve as more than mere transactions of goods; they are opportunities for learning and growth for everyone involved. Through collaborations with business partners worldwide, spanning diverse cultures and ethnicities, we gain insights into the world, life, and ourselves.

Innovation is our driving force. We continuously strive to pioneer new products and technologies, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and shaping the future of our industry. Join us on this journey of exploration, discovery, and growth.

We have a clear understanding of your requirements and are here to deliver precisely what you need.

Our customers will have direct access to factory engineers and our professional service team with sourcing and technical backgrounds, standing ready 24/7, guaranteeing uninterrupted productivity.


Email: hm@hmhydraulics.com

WhatsApp: +86 13475836993